Thanks for a Great Weekend!
Whew! Here we are, with CAKE a week behind us. We want to thank exhibitors, publishers and visitors for joining us at CAKE this year. We learned a lot this first time ‘round, and we also had a good time. It was great to meet new people and to see old friends, and exhilarating on all the incredible comic books.If you want to re-live CAKE, check out The Comics Reporter’s collective memory of CAKE. We started a Flickr pool here, where you can post your photos, and you can also find a photo gallery of CAKE here. We also have audio and video footage from programming, which we plan to get online soon – stay tuned.
We’ve been reading exhibitor, publisher, and visitor reviews of the weekend as they pop up on websites and blogs, and we want to thank them for their kind words and their honesty. As we begin working on CAKE 2013, we will take your comments and suggestions into consideration. We hope that you continue to give us feedback on this year’s event. Please feel free to email us with your thoughts at you to Jill Summers and Mairead Case at Columbia College for their immeasurable help. Thank you to our sponsors who helped us make CAKE possible. Thank you to the exhibitors and publishers who took a chance on a first time show. And thank you to everyone who came out last weekend to buy books and check out our programs.
We will be updating the CAKE blog, Facebook page and Twitter, so be sure to follow us and help us promote CAKE for next year!