CAKE DEBUT: Fante Bukowski by Noah Van Sciver


Noah Van Sciver’s latest graphic novella drops in on the life of the self-styled, aspiring young writer, Fante Bukowski, as he delusively makes his way to literary fame and fortune, one drink at a time. Living in a cheap hotel, consorting with the debased and downtrodden, searching for that golden idea that will rocket him to the success he yearns for as the great American novelist, and to get respect from his father once and for all. But, there’s just one problem: Fante Bukowski has no talent for writing.Published by Fantagraphics Books


FantagraphicsShieldFantagraphics Books is the Publisher of the World’s Greatest Cartoonists. Whether contemporary graphic novels, classic comic strips, European bande dessinee, or groundbreaking underground comics, Fantagraphics specializes in the best work from the best cartoonists in world history.

Visit Fantagraphics' website, and pick up Fante Bukowski by Noah Van Sciver at Tables 7 & 8 June 6 & 7th!