2 DAYS TO CAKE: Events Around Town!
Thursday, June 4:
Visiting Artist Lecture: Dash Shaw at the DePaul School of Cinematic Arts, 14 E Jackson Blvd #LL105 at 6pm
How to Draw Comics The Ladydrawers’ Way featuring Femicomix Finland at Women & Children First Bookstore, 5233 N Clark St at 6pm
Comic Reading at the Archer Ballroom 3012 S. Archer Ave 3rd floor at 7PM featuring readings by Lale Westvind, Blaise Larmee, Anna Haifisch, Andy Burkholder, Sarah Ferrick, Lane Milburn, Gina Wynbrandt, Krystal DiFronzo, Paul Nudd, and David Alvarado. Hosted by Nick Jackson.
Friday, June 5:
- Jaime & Gilbert Hernandez Signing at Graham Crackers Comics, 77 E Madison St from 6-8pm
- CAKE Presents: Eleanor Davis, John Porcellino & Keiler Roberts panel moderated by Hillary Chute at Quimby’s Bookstore, 1854 W North Ave at 7pm
Qviet Book Release/Exhibition at Learning Machine Gallery, 3145 Morgan at 7pm
Gula-Gila “CAKE Weekend Kickoff” Concert with bands featuring CAKE exhibitors, 3012 S. Archer Ave 3rd floor at 8PM
After Parties
Saturday, June 6:
CAKE is hosting two Saturday after parties in the same building!
Enter through the 4th floor entrance for both parties, a $5 donation supports the bands & the Observatory, an independently run music space.
8pm - whenever! The Observatory, 3036 N. Lincoln, 4th floor. CAKE will be hosting a night of musical performances after the first day of exhibition. Bring some cash, there will be a bar. Performers include: Ambergris featuring Matt Thurber, Traducer featuring Lane Milburn, Pet Theories featuring Brian Cremins, and Naff Whiff featuring Eddy Rivera.
8pm - midnight: 3036 N Lincoln, 3rd floor. For exhibitors looking for a quiet place to meet up, join us on the 3rd floor (below The Observatory) for a Drink & Draw sponsored by Print Ninja. Snacks will be provided by CAKE; BYOB, or purchase drinks at The Observatory and bring them downstairs to the drink & draw. To get to the Drink & Draw space, go to the 4th floor after party and go down the back stairwell to the 3rd floor (the same stairwell that allows rooftop access).