9 Days to CAKE! Check Out Our Panels and Workshops and Come to Our Saturday Night Party!
Announcing our Panels and Workshops!
As CAKE 2016 gets closer, we're excited to announce the programming that will take place during CAKE weekend. Please visit our Panels and Workshops page to learn about all the great discussions and activities that you can attend and participate in. If you're planning to attend, please join our Facebook event here!
Saturday Night Party!
Wondering what do after the first day of the CAKE weekend? Well look no further! On Saturday, June 11, please join us for our CAKE Not Dead: Chicago Alternative Comics Expo Saturday Night Party!The event will take place at 7:00 PM at The Observatory (top floor), located at 3036 N Lincoln Ave. $5 donation for entry.Featured Readers:
This event is presented and Hosted by Brad Rohloff of Bred Press and Matt Davis of Perfectly Acceptable Press. We hope to see you there!Join the Facebook event here!