CAKE 2017 Special Guest Announcement: Ron Rege, Jr.!

CAKE is excited to announce our final special guest for 2017: Ron Rege, Jr.!Ron Regé, Jr. is a very unusual yet accomplished storyteller whose work exudes a passionate, moral, idealistic core that sets him apart from his peers. The Cartoon Utopia is his Magnum Opus, a unique work of comic art that, in the words of its author, "focuses on ideas that I've become intrigued by that stem from magical, alchemical, ancient ideas & mystery schools." It's part sci-fi, part philosophy, part visual poetry, and part social manifesto. Regé's work exudes psychedelia, outsider rawness, and pure cartoonish joy. Regé's new book What Parsifal Saw, which was recently released by Fantagraphics Books, is a psychedelic collection of comics that includes an adaptation of 19th century occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s work. Regé’s interest in esoteric ideas and spirituality has permeated into all aspects of his comics, as highlighted by “Cosmogenesis,” which concerns magical, alchemical, ancient, and mysterious ideas; cosmic consciousness, psychedelia, outsider rawness, and pure cartoonish joy.For more information about Ron, please follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram, or subscribe to his monthly series of minicomics.The Chicago Alternative Comics Expo (CAKE) is a weekend-long celebration of independent comics, inspired by Chicago’s rich legacy as home to many of underground and alternative comics’ most talented artists–past, present, and future. Featuring comics for sale, workshops, exhibitions, panel discussions, and more, CAKE is dedicated to fostering community and dialogue among independent artists, small presses, publishers, and readers. The sixth annual CAKE will take place Saturday, June 10, and Sunday, June 11, 2017, at the Center on Halsted, 3656 North Halsted Avenue in Chicago. For any questions about CAKE, please email