CAKE Art Auction Special Thanks
On April 21, 2017, CAKE hosted our fifth annual Art Auction fundraiser at 826chi. The event was a great success, and we would like to thank many people and institutions who helped make this year's event so memorable.826chi was a wonderful venue who was super accommodating and nice to us. Special thanks to our contact Tyler!Ian McDuffie and their assistant Brad Rohloff were the perfect auctioneers, generously donating their time and talents.Blick Art Materials, Revolution Brewing and Cream Wine Distributors sponsored our event. They were all easy to work with and we are so thankful for their generosity.We were so lucky to have Mike Centeno, Beth Hetland & Kyle O'Connell give incredible readings. Thank you!Thank you so much to the amazing artists who donated: Chester Brown, Josh Cotter, Nick Drnaso, Mike Freiheit, Henry Guerra, Corinne Halbert, Sammy Harkham, Kevin Huizenga, Jesse Jacobs, Ed Luce, Leigh Luna, Alex Nall, Gary Panter, Laura Park and John Porcellino, John Pham, Keiler Roberts, Isabella Rotman, Johnny Sampson, Leslie Stein, Joe Tallarico, Hiromi Ueyoshi, Carrie Vinarsky, Lale Westvind!!!Thank you to Davey Krofta, who tended bar. Special thanks for everyone who volunteered for CAKE at the event: Matt Brady, Neil Brideau, Mike Freiheit, Corinne Halbert, Chris Lopez, Sara Murphy, Amy Peltz, Anne Marie Sticksel, and Jeff Zwirek,And, finally, extra thanks to Mike Freiheit who drew our poster, programmed the readers, promoted the event, donated art, worked the door, found us a BASSETT-certified bartender, hung the silent auction, and,to top it all off, won the most expensive auction item. Thank you, Mike!!