CAKE DEBUT: High Score from 2D Cloud

Debuting at CAKE is a limited edition microcomic companion to Rusel DeMaria's upcoming 3rd edition of High Score: An Illustrated History of Electronic Games.Artists included in the volume are:Toby Jones:Toby Jones currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He is responsible for the comics "Memory Foam" and "Arthur Turnkey". He is currently working as a storyboard artist on Cartoon Network's Regular Show. He is most likely not the worst person you will ever meet.tobyisawesome.livejournal.comEric Schuster:Eric is a comic artist and illustrator currently living in Minneapolis. He is a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (BFA Comic Art). He enjoys biking and tea.www.erichead.orgSaman Bemel Berud:Saman Bemel Benrud is an artist, designer, and comic maker. He recently had an apocalyptic dream involving earthquakes, tornadoes, and giant panthers. In order to prevent the end of the world, he had to collect all the stars and bring them back to his castle. The dream ended well, with pixel victory fireworks exploding against the night sky. Blumenreich:Hannah Blumenreich makes comics about herself but sometimes she makes other comics, and they're also about herself. Wartman:My name is Peter Wartman. I'm an illustrator living in Minneapolis Minnesota where I'm currently working at CSA Design.I also draw comics and have done some work on children's books; I like anything that lets me tell a story, really, especially if I can draw monsters and robots too.

about 22 pages 4"x 5" full color

2D CLOUD is a micro-press comics publisher based in NE MPLS. We publish paper-craft art books, mini comics, and graphic novels by an assortment of creatives. Select past releases include Yearbooks by Nic Breutzman, Death of Elijah Lovejoy by Noah Van Sciver, Things You Carry by Vincent Stall/King Mini, Motherlover by Breutzman and brothers Holden. New titles to make their Chicago debut include Startled Maggie by Meghan Hogan, Little Heart: A Comics Anthology for Marriage Equality by various, Prizon Food 2 by Eric Schuster & Party Food. We also distro Will Dinski’s minis and Pornhounds by Sharon Lintz.

Visit 2DCloud's website, and pick up High Score at Table 50 June 16 & 17th!