CAKE DEBUT: Upgrade Soul by Ezra Claytan Daniels

UPGRADE SOUL is an immersive science fiction graphic novel writtenand illustrated by Ezra Claytan Daniels. Featuring an original scoreby Alexis Gideon and interactive design by Erik Loyer. Upgrade Soulwill be released for iPad in Summer, 2012 from Opertoon.UPGRADE SOUL is the story of an elderly couple who become the guineapigs of a visionary procedure that aims to revivify them by filteringtoxins from their bodies on a molecular level. When the procedureexperiences a fatal complication, the couple is faced with severelydeformed, though intellectually superior duplicates of themselves.Soon, it becomes clear that only one version of each individual cansurvive, and the psychological battle for dominance begins.

Ezra Claytan Daniels is a writer/illustrator based in Chicago. His critically acclaimed graphic novel, The Changers, began a unique comics career peppered with collaborative multimedia projects including the experimental iPhone App, Ruben & Lullaby, the animated rap opera, Sun Wu Kong, the feature documentary, Lunch Line, and the narrative concert series, Black Violet. Ezra is also the creator of the live art spectacle, The Comic Art Battle, and Loaded Blanks, a line of fill-in-the-blank greeting cards. Ezra is currently at work, with interactive artist Erik Loyer and underground rap luminary Alexis Gideon, on a digital sci-fi graphic novel, UPGRADE SOUL.

Visit Ezra's website, and check out Upgrade Soul at Table 67 June 16 & 17th!