Posts tagged Small Press Publishers
CAKE DEBUT: Sequential Vacation 2 by Sar Shahar
CAKE DEBUT: Strong Eye Contact by Christopher Adams
CAKE DEBUT: Deep in the Woods by Noah Van Sciver and Nic Breutzman
CAKE DEBUT: The End by Anders Nilsen
CAKE DEBUT: Ghosts and Ruins by Ben Catmull
CAKE DEBUT: Eye of the Majestic Creature vol 2 by Leslie Stein
CAKE, Debuts, ExhibitorsadminCAKE 2013, Debut, EOTMC, Exhibitors, Eye of the Majestic Creature, Fantagraphics, Leslie Stein, Small Press Publishers
CAKE DEBUT: The End of the Fucking World by Charles Forsman
CAKE, Debuts, Exhibitors, Special GuestsadminCAKE 2013, Charles Forsman, Debut, End of the Fucking World, Exhibitors, Oily Comics, Small Press Publishers, Special Guests, TEOTFW
CAKE DEBUT: The Amazing, Enlightening and Absolutely True Adventures of Katherine Whaley by Kim Deitch
CAKE DEBUT: Daniel Clowes Reader from Fantagraphics
CAKE DEBUT: My Dirty Dumb Eyes by Lisa Hanawalt
CAKE DEBUT: Lose #5 by Michael DeForge
CAKE DEBUT: High Score from 2D Cloud
CAKE DEBUT: Fuck Shits by Box Brown
CAKE DEBUT: Little Heart, a Comic Anthology for Marriage Equality from 2D Cloud & [MN]Love
CAKE DEBUT: Prizon Food Part 2 by Eric Schuster & Party Food (aka Joe Gillette)
CAKE DEBUT: Startled Maggie #1 by Meghan Hogan
CAKE DEBUT: The Legend of Bold Riley by Leia Weathington
CAKE DEBUT: Structures 12-23 by Vincent Stall
CAKE DEBUT: July Diary by Gabrielle Bell
CAKE DEBUT: Weather by Gabby Schulz