CAKE DEBUT: The End of the Fucking World by Charles Forsman
TEotFW follows James and Alyssa, two teenagers living a seemingly typical teen experience as they face the fear of coming adulthood. Forsman tells their story through each character's perspective, jumping between points of view with each chapter. But quickly, this somewhat familiar teenage experience takes a more nihilistic turn as James's character exhibits a rapidly forming sociopathy that threatens both of their futures. He harbors violent fantasies and begins to act on them, while Alyssa remains as willfully ignorant for as long as she can, blinded by young love.Forsman's story highlights the disdain, fear and existential search that many teenagers fear, but through a road trip drama that owes as much to Badlands as The Catcher in the Rye. Forsman’s inviting, Charles Schulz-influenced style lends a deadpan quality that underscores the narrative's tension. The End of the Fucking World is certain to be one of the most talked-about graphic novels of 2013.Forsman is arguably the most acclaimed talent to come out of the Center for Cartoon Studies, a school founded in 2004 by graphic novelist James Sturm and educator Michelle Ollie in White River Junction, VT. Forsman graduated in 2008 and is a two-time Ignatz Award-winner for his self-published minicomic, Snake Oil. The End of the Fucking World is his first graphic novel.

Charles Forsman (B:Mechanicsburg, PA, 1982) graduated from The Center for Cartoon Studies in 2008. That same year he won 2 Ignatz awards for his series Snake Oil. He lives in Massachusetts where he runs a micro press called Oily Comics. Fantagraphics Books will release The End of the Fucking World and Celebrated Summer in the second half of 2013.Charles Forsman is a special guest at CAKE, and will be at table 46!Fantagraphics is a publisher of the World’s Greatest Cartoonists
Visit Fantagraphics' website, and pick up The End of the Fucking World at Tables 13 & 14 June 15 & 16th!