CAKE DEBUT: Midwestrn Cuban Comics Issue 9 by Odin Cabal


The adventures of Pito and Maria continue in Midwestern Cuban Comics Issue 9. Watch as Maria comes to terms with all her sticky family history and her estranged daughter. Also Pito and Maria go to the ballpark and Charlie tries to get some ladies.


odincabalMidwestrn Cuban Comics is a small press comics series created by Odin Cabal. The issues are compilations of vignettes revolving around a small cast of characters who come in and out of each others’ lives. Leading the cast and anchoring them together is Maria Garcia, a Cuban American trying to figure out identity and life fulfillment in the Midwestern city of Milwaukee, WI.

Visit Odin's website, and pick up Midwestrn Cuban Comics Issue 9 at Table 22A June 6 & 7th!