4 DAYS TO CAKE: Enter the Doodle Dash, Win Fabulous Prizes!

Whether you’re an occasional doodler or consider yourself an artist, CAKE and ChiPRC invite you to enter our first Doodle Dash! A secret drawing prompt will be revealed, from which participants will make a drawing. Entering your creations to the Doodle Dash gives you the opportunity to have your work seen by two fabulous jurors: special guest Zak Sally and established cartoonist Corinne Mucha.
 Trophy by Danielle Chenette!  Trophy by Danielle Chenette!
Be sure to stick around! At 5:00 three winners selected by our jury team will be announced on the CAKE floor and awarded original art trophies by Paul Nudd, Krystal Difronzo and Danielle Chenette! Winners will have their work exhibited at the Doodle Dash Retrospective on Friday, July 10 at ChiPRC.
Trophy by Krystal Difronzo!    Trophy by Krystal Difronzo!
Saturday, June 6, 3:15 – 4:00pm
Winners announced at 5 
Ages: 18+
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The Fourth Annual Chicago Alternative Comics Expo will take place on Saturday, June 6 and Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N Halsted Ave.
CAKE, Programmingadmin