Want to Help CAKE Out? Come Join Us for Pizza and Find Out How!
Hello friends! CAKE is looking for help for this year's festival. Want to help us put up some posters in your neighborhood? Maybe drop off some postcards at your local coffee shop? We could also use your help during the festival weekend as well! We always need strong arms to assist us with putting up tables, handing out programs, or just lending a general helping hand.If this sounds like something you want to aid us with, join us at Dimo's Pizza next Thursday! While we provide you with info, you can get 2 free slices of delectable pizza, which is being donated courtesy of Dimo's! CAKE volunteers are the backbone of what makes our festival great, and we want to invite more helpers into the fold.Join us on Thursday, May 19th, from 6pm-9pm; anyone who attends will receive 2 pieces of pizza for free! People can sign up to volunteer at the show and grab posters to hang up in their neighborhoods. Dimo's Pizza is located in Wicker Park at 1615 N Damen Avenue, off the Damen Blue Line stop. If you have any questions, or if you would still like to help and cannot attend the event, please email volunteers@cakechicago.com.Click here to join the Facebook Event, and to invite your friends!