2018 CAKE Anthology

2018 CAKE Anthology
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CAKE presents the 2018 annual collection of mini-comics, originally printed and sold to benefit the Chicago Alternative Comics Exhibition (CAKE).
Edited by JJ McLuckie. Cover art by JJ McLuckie. Featuring work by ONSMITH + Nudd, Corrine Halbert, Caroline Cash, H. Tweedell, Kate Lacour, Adelaido Olea, Alex Nall, James the Stanton, Will Cardini, Mike Centeno, Ben Nadler, Lara Kaminoff, Haejin Park, Wenting Li, Logan Kruidenier, David Alvarado, Cristian Hernandez-Blick, JJ McLuckie, Abby Jo Turner, Kevin Budnik, Clay Hickson, & Yewon Kwon.
Download includes one high-resolution, 26-page PDF of scans of the original print run of this Anthology.